
Moon West’23 has been most surprised at Beloit by how many different opportunities they have been able to take advantage, while also exploring the liberal arts and learning to become an educator themselves.

类: 2023

主要(s): 心理学 & 教育及青年研究

哪里是你的家? 美国田纳西州纳什维尔

你是怎么知道伯洛伊特的? 是什么让你兴奋地来到这里? I wanted to get out of the south and see a different part of the world. My grandparents are from Stoughton so I spent a lot of time up here growing up. I was mainly looking at schools from the book “Colleges That Change Lives.” I thought Beloit, as a liberal arts college, offered an interesting environment. There are a lot of people with intersectional identities at Beloit, but it is also sort of a mainstream college with sports and Greek life. And, of course, faculty like Suzanne Cox made the college even more enticing.

What kind of activities are you involved with on campus? Alpha Sigma Tau, 职业和社区参与中心, Todd Elementary and Hackett Elementary School reading buddies, and serve as a Teaching Assistant. Once the Covid pandemic is over I’m interested in being more involved with other clubs and meeting more people on campus. It’s harder to do that right now, but I want to get more involved all around. 大一的时候我还在学生会. I just want to be more involved with student-led organizations and I’m also very interested in expanding the  reading buddies program to other elementary schools. I’d like all of the Beloit’s  elementary schools to have a reading buddies program by the time I graduate. 捐赠者的帮助使托德读书俱乐部成为可能. They keep programs like these alive because they’re keeping students in them.

你享受了多少校外的机会啊? 还没有,但我很期待在 范德比尔特大学肯尼迪中心该机构专门研究残疾和无障碍环境. 我想去特殊教育室.

What has been the most challenging Beloit class you’ve taken & 是什么让它最具挑战性? 我得把我的自我介绍给 心理学 class. The content wasn’t that challenging, it was more the delivery of it. I have dyslexia and therefore lecture-heavy classes that are mainly graded through tests (like this course) are incredibly challenging for me. I was able to figure out a system to effectively keep up with the speed of the course and I ended up doing fine overall. It definitely taught me how to advocate for myself with my professors as well as seek the assistance of my fellow classmates.

What has been your most unexpected Beloit experience, other than Covid?

Majoring in education, joining a sorority, and working on campus. I was ready to just stay in my own bubble and not branch out or be so open, but Beloit helps you actively open up and strive to be the best you can be in this environment. Joining a sorority was shocking especially because where I grew up in the south, 希腊的生活是非常不同的. Alpha Sigma Tau is very academically focused and people are interested in a lot of the same things. There are opportunities for leadership and community building. The inclusivity committee has been really important to me, and working with other Greek and IFPC groups to have conversations about inclusion has been a really large exercise in advocating and developing relationships with people. I would not have even meet so many people if the Greek and IFPC system had not been in place. 我们找到共同点,共同努力.

你在校园里最喜欢的地方是哪里? I love the Fireside Lounge in Morse Ingersoll and I also really like the psych lounge in the Science Center. And I really like the study and meeting rooms by the river in the Powerhouse. They’re secluded with a great view of the river and you can see people going by on the river walk.

What is something you love to do in the city of Beloit? 花时间在户外. Beloit and Wisconsin as a whole have to be two of most beautiful places I have spent time in. There are so many amazing hiking and walking trails near campus. I try to go hiking at least once a week and there’s never a shortage of beautiful things to see. 我也喜欢我离这么多湖这么近! There’s something about the way that the water meets the sky here. 这和我见过的任何东西都不一样. I think it has to do with the overall flatness of the land…watching the sunset over a beautiful corn field or a rich blue lake is one of the most healing experiences.

How has financial aid impacted your Beloit experience. If you could say something to alumni/donors what would it be?

The way that Beloit gives scholarship and financial aid is meaningful, conscious, and generous. 它使这种教育成为可能. 如果没有伯洛伊特的支持,我不会站在这里. It made me feel wanted here and was a phenomenal gesture from Beloit.

This is a type of education that should be accessible to everyone and for alumni and donors to help make that possible is an opportunity that shouldn’t be passed up. There are so many students that need smaller class sizes and the individual relationships that aren’t as accessible at larger universities that might be more affordable, 但是教育是不一样的.

情侣们会互相照顾, and that is what matters especially in making education accessible and possible.

接下来是什么? 告诉我们你毕业后的计划: 我打算获得特殊教育硕士学位, 然后再教一段时间, then get my PhD in something 心理学 and accessibility related.


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